
Studio by Ciattaglia & Partners

Accounting Services, International Taxation and Contracts

International taxation, assistance with domestic and international tax litigation, international tax planning, assistance in drafting international contracts .

Studio Ciattaglia, Pellegrini & Partners aims to become a key partner in the fields of domestic and European/international tax law, administrative management, ordinary and extraordinary economic and financial management, company law, subsidised finance, national and international contracts, industrial property protection and labour law issues.

We aspire to be a partner considered capable of providing high added value solutions in the short, medium and long-term.

To offer each client – while paying all due attention given the unique situation of every client and seeking to satisfy their objectives – services delivered with the utmost skill and professionalism in all areas current or potentially strategic areas of company operations.

This is achieved by drawing on the capabilities of professionals with complementary profiles as part of a global service.

Publications Taxation and international contracts
  • “The prospect of an EU Directive on the Introduction of Pillar One in the European Union: any possible deviations from OECD blueprint?”, in Revista Tecnica Tributaria, n. 135/2021, pp. 113-133, AEDEF (Rivista Ufficiale dell’Associazione dei Consulenti Tributari Spagnoli);


  • Quando fisco e giudici, con il loro operato, giustificano la fuga dei cervelli” (co-autore dr. prof. Franco Roccatagliata del Collegio d’Europa di Bruges, già Amministratore Principal della DG Tassazione della Commissione Europea), in Rivista di Giurisprudenza Tributaria, n. 5/ 2022, pp. 456-462, Wolters Kluwer Italia;


  • The determination of tax residence of tax residence of cross-border active individuals within the EU: time for a final clarification”, in Diritto e Pratica Tributaria Internazionale, n. 4/ 2022, Wolters Kluwer Italia e Cedam (rivista online, numero in corso di pubblicazione);


  • Albania: i veicoli di investimento nell’ ottica societaria e tributaria ed il contesto per gli investitori esteri”, in Fiscalità e Commercio Internazionale, n. 1/ 2023, pp. 57-72.
  • Italian Tax and Corporate Consulting
  • International Taxation
  • Commercial and Corporate Contracts
  • Assistance in Financial Planning and Management
  • Extraordinary finance operations
  • Subsidised Finance
  • Business consulting
  • Accounting services


Headquarters in Jesi

Headquarters in Ancona

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